What’s Going On Here?

The UK is about to be electrified! In between high praises of Peppa Pig and some on-point car impressions, Boris Johnson announced in a speech on Monday that all new buildings across the UK will be required to have electric car charging points from 2022. The announcement was made at this year’s Confederation of British Industry (CBI) conference and comes ahead of the planned ban of selling new fossil fuel cars in 2030.

What Does This Mean? 

These new regulations will require building developers to install electric vehicle (EV) charging points at sites including housing developments, supermarkets and office blocks among others. It’s anticipated that up to 145,000 extra charging points will be installed across the country every year.

It’s the government’s intention that the majority of charging will soon be able to happen at home, making charging EVs easier. 

Why Should We Care? 

The slow uptake of electric cars in the UK has been largely attributed to a lack of charging points. By expanding the accessibility of charging points, the government hopes that this will serve as another incentive for people to buy EVs.

But *watt’s* the big deal about EVs? It’s now widely accepted that switching to EVs from petrol cars can significantly reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, especially as the electricity grid continues to decarbonise. Over their life cycle, EVs in the UK may produce as much as 30% less CO2 emissions than petrol cars, and this is even higher in countries whose power is less reliant on fossil fuels.

However, whilst we’re all about celebrating any win for the environment, we must still consider the bigger picture when it comes to transport. An approach that places too much emphasis on the electrification of cars is not the answer. EVs still require substantial resource extraction. This has serious environmental and human rights consequences and regardless of how they’re fuelled, all cars put a burden on the environment.

We need a shift away from excessive car usage onto more reliable, more affordable and greener public transport as well as sufficient support for walking and cycling, not just in the UK, but on a global scale.

Be Curious! 

Learn more about electric cars: listen to this super informative episode of How to Save a Planet – “Encore: Are Electric Cars Really Better for the Climate?”

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, think twice next time you go to pick up your car keys – could you take the bus, or walk or cycle?

If you’re looking to buy a new car, have you considered buying an electric car? You could even go that step further and find a second-hand electric car – better for the planet and your pocket!

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