Author page: Imogen Berryman

Your Future Trolley: Food From Space with a Side of Jellyfish

What’s Going On Here? The Future of Food Report, produced by Sainsbury’s, has predicted what we’re going to be growing, buying and eating in the future. Futurologists and plant scientists used consumer trends, scientific studies and took into account our growing environmental consciousness in consumer behaviour. What Does This Mean? There are some pretty ‘Black Mirror’ sounding ideas, like using A.I. to prescribe…

Finance industry urged to act on climate change

What’s Going On Here? This week, The Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) released a report urging the finance industry to take responsibility for their role in climate change. What Does This Mean? The report warns of a financial shock that could cause assets to suddenly become worthless. Without acting, companies and industries could fail. The UK economy could see losses of up…

Beavers give a dam…about flooding

What’s Going On Here? Two beavers have been released in an Essex estate (UK) to manage flood risk naturally and improve biodiversity. How Will They Help Manage Flood Risk? Organised by a partnership between The Environment Agency, the Essex & Suffolk Rivers Trust and Essex Wildlife Trust partnership, the project aims to see how the beavers’ work compares to traditional flood risk…