What’s Going On Here?
Record numbers of curious.earthlings have signed up for “Veganuary”, and the ease at which the switch is made has become even easier as Greggs launches its latest bakey snack: The Vegan Sausage Roll.
What Does This Mean?
Veganuary – the act of giving up animal products (often just food) for January, has seen 250,000 people sign up in over 193 countries.In previous years, this challenge could be a struggle, particularly for the hard-core meat eaters. But in 2019, the options around us as greater than they have ever been, and now the UK’s largest bakery has given the country a vegan alternative to a British favourite!
Move over the 1.5 million meaty sausage rolls there is a new – sustainable snack in town!

Why Should We Care?
Ok.. so it’s not saving a lot of meat, as the average Greggs sausage roll has 18% pork… the milk “glaze” doesn’t add up to much either… in fact the new sausage roll has 25% MORE muscle building protein!
But it’s not the protein gainz we are loving. It’s the fact that the general public has even greater opportunity to adopt and eat a plant-based diet! Boo Yeaaa!
Be Curious!
If you wouldn’t be seen dead in Greggs.. fear not, other options are available… we LOVE the vegan cornish pasties available at The West Cornwall Pasty Co.nom nom nom
p.s. If you live outside the UK and you can’t find a vegan sausage roll to munch on, there’s a free business idea for you 😉